Noons in Those Cottages


Summi Sinha
The Lark Publication
3 min readJul 2, 2023


Photo by Vika Jordanov on Unsplash

those earthly mornings with Godly attires and
those divine noons of silent hours,
where in those cottages of a forest reserve,
I met silence as a toddler
and an exquisite relationship with him began;
he lends me his mature, invisible hand
and innocently I held him and followed;
not really knowing what he meant to me, but then,
I had fancied every moment spent with him.
Below his angelic wings,
I was groomed by the master himself!

Without words though, his awareness overwhelmed me
and I toed him,
I knew back then I have met God and
Ah! The incarnation of me
peeled by him,
to reach the core of my being
and the bliss that followed
never left my hands ever since.

A boon bestowed on me by Heaven,
crooned into me the loneliest of songs
that I had heard the moon sing in the night hours
but then, unable to decode,
singing to me again, was silence, in those noon hours
and then I understood the lyrics of the song,
with silence reading out the braille aloud, in my words,
it was not just the lyrics I understood but silence that I got to know!

I had a unique connection with silence
since I was a toddler
I can see, swirl, sniff, sip, and savor it until I reached the epitome of it
No amount of silence was more.
With him,
I had heard the chipping sound of the ancient barks,
one by one into the clay fall;
a life cycle exposed to my young mind
and how I understood the wheel of time
one by one unfolding designs of this universe;
cozily embraced, chatting with him till late noon,
the mature mystic silence fascinated me like an occult
and how I had devoured the secrets of this world
until the hush-hush of the incoming dusk knocked on earth’s door!

When children play with toys and friends,
my soulmate was silent without a doubt or hesitation of a word
a tender mature love story
where we loved without ever speaking a word
loved him, admired, adorned and
Ohh! The respect,
In his lap,
the universe unfolded before me;
as the bee unfolds his crop off honey,
a kaleidoscope of worlds served me in those hours,
when silence, offloaded before me, secrets of the universe
beyond this eye and mind,
how can my mind know the secrets of this huge cosmos
but with silence as my friend;
I visited lands
that was honored by god
and worshipped by angels and
cherished by humans!

He took me beyond my senses and broke the chains of the norms
that was instilled in me as humans
and I knew it back then
I had met my right man!
the essence of him in my heart still swells.
I never really had a word that could explain my relationship with silence;
it's like that tender first love trying to whisper the three golden words without uttering the word itself
and that which never left me again!
The seasoned language of our love matured into a lifelong flare
I know him so well now and it started off in these little forest reserves
and in those cottages where silence lived,
where I met silence and fell in love!



Summi Sinha
The Lark Publication

Writing is a passion for me and especially poetry, have already published two books , My Pink bougainvilleas and Wren blooms, read them and love them!