One Spring Evening: A Dizain

Dressed in her dancing gown of Van Gogh blue

Melissa Coffey
The Lark Publication


La Noche Esrellada (Starry Night) —c.1889 by Vincent Van Gogh. Image: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

The sky seems disinclined to sleep tonight,
dressed in her dancing gown of Van Gogh blue;
her face, bathed in essence of bright moonlight,
throat, adorned by Venus, in brilliant hue
Lovers stroll, their arms entwined, two by two,
entranced by the scent of her jasmine air,
as the men pick sprigs for their sweetheart’s hair
with whispered…



Melissa Coffey
The Lark Publication

Wordstruck poet & storyteller. Writing on loss & desire. Published in various journals & anthologies. Lover of prose poetry, art & ekphrasis. EIC @ ArtMusing