Romantic & Inspirational

To Paint the Heavens With Starlight

A journey of hope and you

The Daily Updater
The Lark Publication


To Paint the Heavens with Starlight
Photo by Arto Marttinen on Unsplash

Twinkling in the deep dark sky
A canvas filled with moonbeams bright
Each star pulsates a rhythmic light
Guiding travelers in the night

What stories do the starlights tell
Of cosmos vast we cannot dwell
Yet gaze in awe, cannot compel
The mysteries that therein do dwell

To Paint the Heavens with Starlight
Photo by Leran Admoni on Unsplash

In galaxies afar now dead
The beams still glow overhead
The past and present intertwined
All is one, and one is time

So walk the path the starlight shows
On journey inward, journey knows
To horizons where no fear goes
The destiny your spirit chose

Paint the heavens with your soul
Pigments of stardust, brushed or stroked
Masterpiece, eternal, not yet whole
Still creating, secrets not yet told

To Paint the Heavens with Starlight
Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash

Wanderer, to the stars now look
Their music rests in every nook
Resonating within hearts that took
First steps to paint the heaven’s book

There lies the map to locate the home
Where journeys start, where journeys roam
Back to the light — you’re not alone
The stars shine on, their beams atone

So upward gaze in the darkest hour
See the artistry in Starlight’s power
Channel courage, creativity, and hope that flower
Masterpiece finished in the finest hour

“This story is written by M Aslam Waheed. Follow me on LinkedIn, facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram.”

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M Aslam Waheed
Author: M Aslam Waheed

Happy Learning.



The Daily Updater
The Lark Publication