Poetry Competition at The Lark Publication

The Lark is hosting a poetry competition for the best poem

Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)
The Lark Publication
Sent as a


3 min readJul 23, 2022


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

· Poem Rules · Competition Rules
· Winning Poems Recognition
· Winners Announcement

The Lark Publications wants your poems. It is competition time!

If you are already a writer with us you can submit your poem for this competition on Monday, 25th July 2022. The closing date is 8th August 2022. Writing your best poetry showing off skills and rhyming using words any way you want will be noted.

Poem Rules

Each poem should be at least 110 words long. The theme is to write a poem about something personal to you. It can be anything as long as you are passionate about it. You can be passionate about a partner, a pet, a friend, family, a personal item, a hobby, etc. Anything at all but it has to be personal to you. Use your words visually. The Lark wants to see how visual you can get. Sharing your own pictures will be a bonus. When submitting your poem for the competition to The Lark, you should state under the heading in the sub-heading space that you are submitting it for The Lark’s poetry competition. Please only enter one poem per person.



Denise Larkin, BA (Hons)
The Lark Publication

Mastodon: @dlarkin121@me.dm An author/writer of fiction novels and poetry living in London writing about her experiences on Medium. dlarkin121@gmail.com