
An illustrated poem about human nature

Chuck Miller
The Lark Publication


A heavily wooded forest with a stream running through the middle and a partially obscured buck behind a tree. All illustrations are in black and white.
Illustrations by Willem van der Merwe

A long time ago, the forest extended everywhere, in all directions, a dense canopy of trees.
A majestic sight, it was truly the land of the free.
Then along came a group of settlers who cut a path inland from the sea.


More boats arrived bringing throngs of people.
We should worship inside a church with a steeple.
Let’s harvest some wood from this wild place and build something regal.


A man dressed as a pilgrim wearing a prominent wide-brimmed hat and chopping a tree with an axe. Other trees can be seen in the background, along with a pile of stacked logs.

The colonists multiplied and the village needed a bigger farm.
But man was so smart it was no cause for alarm.
We’ll clear another plot for planting right over here. What could be the harm?


Approximately 20 tree stumps in the foreground with a buck sniffing/pawing at one of them. In the background are a church with a steeple and approximately 12 rectangularly shaped homes crowded together. The homes have steeply pitched roofs and chimneys with smoke billowing prominently from them.

Soon the village became a town, and then the town grew rapidly into a concrete-filled city.
Our wilderness is disappearing…



Chuck Miller
The Lark Publication

I wrote Will Little Roo Ever…?, a children’s picture book, and Inside the Mind of an Iron Icon, a strength training book.