Reading Between The Lines

A poetic reflection

Mon Esprit
The Lark Publication


Photo by Matias North on Unsplash

How you read poetry tells a lot about you;
How you sip every word
The brimming warmth
Against your lips,
You take every word in,
Like the light
That seeps in
In the dark of your bedroom
When you are about to make love,
Your love for written words is, in reality, your unspent love for love.

Photo by Yehezkiel Gulo on Unsplash

How you watch the autumn tells a lot about you,
How you weigh every leaf
Ripe with pigments,
Falling one at a time
Waving in thin air,
As you transcend barriers
And perceive weightlessness
Of your falling heart,
Your love for nature is, in the true sense, a reminder of your femininity.



Mon Esprit
The Lark Publication

Anecdotes, soul searching, inspirations, poems - an ocean of life with waves of little tales. Top writer in Poetry