Remembering the Days

I believe that soulmates are connected by a red thread of fate — once in a lifetime everyone meets theirs — when they fall apart they are still connected through unforgettable memories



It was that time of the year,
When you left long ago,
A feeling that you were near,
I couldn’t count the tears,
But the days had passed.
There was something between us,
An unbroken thread that joined,
And you know what it means,
Don’t know if we’ll be together,
But the days had passed.
I kept gazing at the stars,
And kept looking at the moon,
The pain grew stronger,
Like the changing phases,
Thinking it would be over soon,
But the days had passed.



Rekha Balachandran
The Lark Publication

Freelance Editor and Consultant, and Author, most recently of the poetry book, “She Grows from the Depths of Pain.”