Rooms Need Not Be Locked But Windows Opened

Hybrid poem

Breathe & Be Still
The Lark Publication
2 min readJul 4, 2022


Photo Credit | Author

The promise of an empty room
where there are no locks to be lodged
No imprint of time to be known
It’s an unknown tone like a solo trumpeter hidden in the tree-lined shade of the river bank while his tunes drift atop the sunlit water
carried off with the wind, accompanied by the chattering of leaves.

Adrift we are unknown together — me and this open room— no furniture of things that have been stored and stashed — held onto long after the moment has passed — nothing to maneuver around and past regrets kept for what hasn’t been — what should have been — what might have been if only we had

Aroused by the sheerness of a curtain blowing in quiet consent, I witness, listen, intuit what has not yet been — a canvas for discovering while my heart bids adieu to the whispers and clatter of what I’ve known before but no longer harbor in a hidden drawer or covet between the sheets of youth.

Just as the trumpeter’s preceding note has been carried off by a breeze and the non-objecting current of time.

I take root in this open space, accepting my anonymity — letting go of forgotten fate for it all fades… oh how it all fades… when we finally free ourselves from the past — quit clinging to this torn and tattered mast of what we ought to be… embodying all that remains unseen.

Breathe & Be Still

