Second Chances: Chapter Seven


Amanda Steel
The Lark Publication


Cover created by Amanda Steel

When I get home, I go up to my room, grateful Julia is either still at work, or with Steve.

I kneel at the foot of my bed and put my hands together because that’s how I’ve seen it done on television and on the few occasions I attended Christmas Eve Mass.

“God, or Boss, or whatever you want to call yourself, I have questions.”

I wait in silence, but nothing happens.

“Am I supposed to change back into the Karma version of myself?”


“Well, that’s helpful. I don’t even know how to…”

The room shakes like a mild earthquake. The early evening sunlight that was streaming through the window now fills the room, making it hard to see anything. Then the familiar voice responds. “Use your initiative. If you want to change back, you will. But you have other work to do first.”

The sunlight returns to normal and the room is quiet again. I consider asking for clarity, but I doubt he’ll respond, I know him well enough to know when he’s done talking to me.

My stomach growls, but I have too much on my mind to think about eating. I can’t do much with the vague response from the boss, but I can try to answer some of the other questions floating around in my head. I…



Amanda Steel
The Lark Publication

Author, editor of Printed Words, co-host of Reading in Bed (podcast). copywriter and ghostwriter.