Second Chances — Chapter Ten

Fiction (final chapter)

Amanda Steel
The Lark Publication


Cover created by Amanda Steel

I stand in the park that I used to walk through to get to where I lived as a karma. In my current form, it just leads to the other side of the park. It’s raining and early evening, so there’s nobody around.

“Boss, or God, or whatever?”

There’s no response.

“You said it was up to me, so I need to change back. Then I can go to the police, admit to being a vigilante and confirm that everything on the memory stick was from Larry’s computer.”

I stay where I am, knowing how he likes to make me wait. I suppose I could be here all night, but it that’s what it takes…

The streetlights outside the park come on, and the sunsets slowly, leaving traces of red in the sky.

“Well, why are you just standing there like a moron?” the familiar voice booms.

That’s when I realize my hair is darker, I hadn’t noticed before because I wasn’t paying attention. I’m back to being Clara. I make my way to the police station.

It’s after midnight when I arrive. I’m about to ring the intercom because it’s locked to the public at this time of night, then I realize I’m still carrying my bag with Lucy Sullivan’s purse, I.D, and house keys inside. I should ditch it, but that’s like saying…



Amanda Steel
The Lark Publication

Author, editor of Printed Words, co-host of Reading in Bed (podcast). copywriter and ghostwriter.