She Watches

My bond with a bamboo bush — childhood memories


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Up with the Sun, she gleams at me
Her slim beauty I adore every day
Busy she appeared with her chores
Whistled and bustled in the wind
In the Winters she stood composed
Springs and autumn just passed by
Staring at her I dream of my days!

She was tender and bonded gently
Bending her head, she watches me
All through the year, she cared for me
Her arms in the air swayed so long
She sends signals, I observed
I breathed her thoughts, I obeyed
She groomed me with her smiley
My love for her would never fade

Gone forever with the change
She is only a memory within me
From this window, I long now
With her, I want to grow again!



Subashini Nachimuthu
The Lark Publication

English teacher | Loves nature, travelling, poetry | Studied literature | Big fan of Jane Austen novels | GmailID: