Somewhere Down The Line

A poem

Paul Douglas
The Lark Publication


Walking down the country lane
Memories of you
Permeate my tired brain
As I push on through

The trees rustle overhead
Their canopies entwine
As our love once did
Somewhere down the line

Finally upon the pier
You slide into view
Smiling when you see me
And I smile right back at you…
…But inside I’m dying

You give me your everything
Without thought or questioning
You love me unconditionally
And I think that is the worst thing…
…I’m crying inside

We have been together for so long
Our love all-encompassing
Burning fierce and strong
But all things must change…
…At least for me

You run to me and hug me
And I hug you tight right back
You say you love me so damn much
And I say it to you right back…
…But I lie



Paul Douglas
The Lark Publication

I have always loved to write, especially poems and short stories. I also have an abiding love for technology and gaming. I love to share my outlook with others.