Soothing Fragrance Awakens The Soul Within

A poem

Indra Raj Pathak
The Lark Publication
2 min readApr 27, 2023


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Soothing fragrance awakens the soul within,
A gentle breeze that carries scents divine,
Whispers of nature’s bounty, a fragrant spin,
That stirs the senses, a magical design.

The sweet aroma of fresh flowers in bloom,
A symphony of colors, a visual treat,
Aroma of earth after a summer monsoon,
The scent of rain on the parched street.

The scent of lavender, the smell of roses,
Aromas that can transport us to other places.
We close our eyes and take a deep breath,
And suddenly, we feel alive, we feel refreshed.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee,
The comfort of a familiar, homely smell,
A whiff of grandma’s baking, oh so toffee,
The fragrance of love that memory does tell.

The sea breeze, salty and fresh,
Bringing with it memories of sand and surf,
A waft of grass, dewy and lush,
That transports to a meadow of mirth.

Soothing fragrance awakens the soul within,
It opens up our senses and lets us begin
To see the world in a different light,
And fill our hearts with wonder and delight.

Soothing fragrance awakens the soul within,
Aromatherapy for the mind and heart,
A reminder of life’s simple pleasures akin,
A sensory journey, a soothing start.

Seek out the scents that soothe,
And let them remind us of all that’s good.
For in these simple pleasures, we find,
The peace and joy that bring us back to life.

