Stepping into the Light
The darkness holds secrets
Varied in nature and degree
Hidden in the furthest corners
Where no light can extend
They are bordered by invisible walls
The bricks of which are built on the foundation of our deepest fears
Held together by our feelings of despair
The lowest part of this dwelling houses our shame
This place is home to a frigid bone-chilling cold
The desolate space
In this uninhabitable space is where we force ourselves into being
It is here where the heart can hold no light
The sun shines at such a great distance from here
Even when we don’t see it through the darkness
Even when we can’t feel it through the cold
It lets us know it is there
For without its existence, there can be no us
To live is to have light
There with us
Available to us
Within us
The brilliant light shines out into the universe
It finds us in our darkest place
Reaches out to us in…