Still Water Runs Deep

Flash fiction — short story

JJ Messier
The Lark Publication
2 min readDec 12, 2023


Photo by Awbrey, my girlfriend: Evening by the Island

In a quiet town by the lake, where harsh winds carry tales of adversity, my lungs felt the familiar sting of cold morning air. On this day, I find solace in the creaks of my boat, weathered by the storms we endured together.

Alongside me, a fishing partner of many years, his past veiled in tranquility. We share little beyond the boat, knowing each other as though the waters we navigate. A friend. Together, we cast our lines into the depths, seeking refuge from each of our own.

Navigating the lake, my companion guides us to still waters. The ripples of waves settle, as we embark into the calm. Here, we hope that stillness yields abundance, as too for the peace that eludes me.

I cast my line, feeling the morning’s first stirring of hope, as fish dance beneath. Hands-worn rough tell tales of hardship, yet the rhythmic pull of the fishing rod anchors me to the present. Here, floating upon the serenity, my fishing line is a portal to an abundant abyss.

To my relief, the surface yields its secrets. My catch is ample, a victory over my tumultuous currents. With each passing success, I hope to find what I’m looking for. Regardless, a fruitful day, shared by my silent confidant.

Yet, had it only been my fishing partner, no one would’ve been able to tell of our success. What was it of him? A consistent man, both in brevity and modesty. I find myself wondering if his bountiful days are distinguishable from the barren.

In a world quick to judge, my companion stood unremarkable. A canvas seemingly untouched. Could his essence lay beyond the immediate, and his impact be found there too? In the subtle currents of our community, he may cast a wide net, unseen to those of us ashore.

As the sky’s blue gained a reddish hue, we found our way back. Having returned to the shore, to any obligation, we uttered few words. Tomorrow is the only one needed.

In my despair, it is upon the stillness of the water that I find solace. In my despair, I find my silent companion there, too. An undercurrent that lengthens my days, affording me the chance to cast my nets. A friend, who helps me to find still water.

Still Water Runs Deep

by JJ Messier

Medium: JJ Messier

Twitter: @JJMessierAuthor

Instagram: @TheJJMessier

Tiktok: @theJJMessier



JJ Messier
The Lark Publication

Poetry, Short Stories. My expression of the human experience. Lover of physics & astronomy, obsessor of existentialism. Just happen to be a Data Scientist, too.