Tao Te Ching 20

A poem in English, Verse 20

Carrie Graham
The Lark Publication


Author’s photo

No learning, no fear.
Yes. No.
Do they differ?
Good. Evil.
Do they differ?

We fear
what we are taught to fear.

Vast, desolate fear.
People are excited
by pageant and sacrifice
…for a great feast
they mount the terrace in spring

Author’s photo

I am Wildness before dawn

…not yet form
An infant who does not yet
…know how to smile
…know its origins
…belong anywhere.

Many chained to possessions

I value
My heart remains empty

Many display cleverness
…simplicity has value

Author’s Photo

Many engage in
Sharp scrutiny.

…the nebulous has meaning
Tranquil ocean
…vast and limitless

Many have goals
I am borne aloft

By the Nourishing Mother’s
Goals for me.



Carrie Graham
The Lark Publication

Left Coastie, Canadian-ish person. Writey-painty, artsy-webby. Arting at carriegraham.art; musicking at carrigraham.ca; devving at carriegraham.dev