Tao Te Ching 55

A poem in English verse 55

Carrie Graham
The Lark Publication


Author’s photo

Sages of virtue

Are as newborns

Insects do not sting
Beasts do not claw
Birds of prey do not attack

Weak bones, tender sinews
Firm grasp

Naïve of intimacy
Yet virile

Crying without hoarseness
Maintaining harmony
Harmony is constancy
Constancy is enlightenment

Excessive vitality is strength
Strength weakens
It is not Tao

That which is not Tao
Perishes early



Carrie Graham
The Lark Publication

Left Coastie, Canadian-ish person. Writey-painty, artsy-webby. Arting at carriegraham.art; musicking at carrigraham.ca; devving at carriegraham.dev