The Act of Loving Freedom is the Opposite of Ignorance

Let go — let more come

Gracie Tobing
The Lark


Pexels Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-of-pictures-185933/

Let go
let more come
no more ignoring
the inner melody
the fluffy comfy zone
put distance
to the prevalent
in its thorny circle
walk closer
to the freedom
to choose
dream life
the slow pace of life
the how to switch on the button life
all over again
in baby steps
from the beginning
always the beginning
never seems
to find the end

from obsessions
obsessions are vain
it magnifies ego
and dismiss conscience

I am made
from blood and flesh
I walk
side by side with doubt
as Lot’s wife looked back at Sodom
and turned into a pillar of salt
I turned
to a shapeless totem
tied with my past
the life
I once lived
it's bittersweet
deceitful accomplishment
with a boasted roleplay
by the man-made
labyrinth of status
in statistical measurements

The what if?
keep haunted me
it draws
series of sitemap
to where life takes me
my left brain
actively constructing
the getaway plan
to what?
bits me
it's my left brain
it always dominates
my framework of thinking
it is what makes me… me
I want to glide
with my right brain
in its freedom
explore its potential
I want to walk
my journey to discover
the ever-evolving me
with my right brain
in its freedom

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Did you count how many words of “walk” I wrote? More than one.
The word “walk” dominated the thoughts, because it is still happening, and never seems to find the end.

Grace Tobing.



Gracie Tobing
The Lark

a free spirit, disciple of experiences, ashtanga student, former corporate person.