The Beauty of our Love

Sean Jones
The Lark Publication
Jul 11, 2021
Photo by Jake Fagan on Unsplash

Buffeting winds and driving rain
Remove the rock, grain by grain
Culling dross, removing excess
Etching away a small recess.

O’er eons and ages, the mites depart
Until at last is revealed the arch.
The arch which now graces the land
Was carved from rock by blowing sand.

Our love when young was formless, plain
Until scoured by years of wind and rain.
With each challenge a grain departs
And our love becomes a work of art.

© Sean C. Jones, 2021

Thank you for reading my poetry.



Sean Jones
The Lark Publication

I’m a retired Soldier, linguist, and father of a disabled child and husband of a disabled wife. I have an MBA from the University of Maryland