The Invisible Strokes

The invisible strokes of Time


Photo by Michael Heuser on Unsplash

Once under a gloomy sky
From a bridge across a stream
I observed a scene earnestly!

A boat forwarded towards me
Cleaving the water gently away
Closer and closer and pleased me!

Ripling waves kissed the shores
Racing back to stream all bright
Holding the clouds so tightly!

Those fallen leaves float all over
On the glassy waters sliding by
Presented a sight to reflect upon!

Birds fluttered around in circles
Claiming eachother to be a part
Brought the spring in advance!

Misty woods not to be missed
Blended with the blooms nearby
Drew the backdrop so precisely!

I gazed and gazed for long
Printing my memories deeper
Like an artist on his canvas
Those invisible strokes of time!



Subashini Nachimuthu
The Lark Publication

English teacher | Loves nature, travelling, poetry | Studied literature | Big fan of Jane Austen novels | GmailID: