The Living Island

A poem about the Hawaii effect

Kelsey Galipeau
The Lark Publication
1 min readAug 22, 2021


Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

The Hawaiian ocean;

A blend of blue hues and the reflection of white sheepy clouds.

The ebb and flow, the lull of a seductive sea.

I watch cautiously behind fanned leaves of a palm tree outside my balcony.

Like if I disturbed this peace, the world would cave in and I would be sent back to the mainland.

Everything is easier away from home.

Worries crash against the folded lava rocks.

I feel like this is what life is supposed to be.

Living is to be standing on a paddleboard, coasting through warm winds and gentle ocean waves,

and death is when stress whips its fierce tail and darkens the sun.

Living is a luxury.

Dying is the norm.

We all just want to live as long as we can.



Kelsey Galipeau
The Lark Publication

Writer, Author, Blogger, and Freelancer at, Nurse, Psychology, Happiness, Mindfulness, Lover of love, and Advocate for following dreams.