The Motherboard and the Children — 1

A weekly serial rom-com/horror/experimental fiction set in the future — Gem lives with a replica of her late mother — the Motherboard and navigates her newfound status as a single mother


Art is by the author Hermione Wilds Writes

A note from the author

This story was written because of the pandemic. There are references to death and to the pandemic on these pages. If you are sensitive to this subject matter then please do not read it. Had the pandemic not happened, I would not have been separated from my family and my mother, and this eerie story would never have been written. This is loosely speaking an experimental work of fiction. It has been referred to as cyberpunk by one reader.

Chapters one to three were published in my publication, ‘Novella Flash’ as ‘The Children’, here. Some episodes of the original version were published on WordPress in 2020 and on Substack.

We’re way past Covid-19. We’re up to Covid-30. It’s been a game-changer. At first, it was “business as usual.” Then we got 20 and 21 at the same time. We called them 20 and 21, even though they were in the same year.

Almost everyone with a disease was wiped out in 3 years, except mum, and a few other introverts who’d done…



Hermione Wilds Writes - Writer and editor
The Lark Publication

Top WRITER: Art 2023; Editor; Awards nominated writer; MA., B. A; Author; soft landscape gardener; editor of 'All's Well' & 'Shoe Love Mag''. Mum to 5 adults...