The Pale King

Tribute to a genius

Charles Source
The Lark Publication
2 min readMar 11, 2024


Photo by author

You were lost
my friend
in your own

and you turned
to art
to assuage

your ills,
but it doesn’t
work that way
does it?

For art’s a mere
of the person

and that person,
regardless of the power
of his art
(or his mind)

must forever remain
outside the walls
of its pages.

For you were
a genius,
my friend,
and at said art

you excelled,
and somehow
I can feel you
in my soul:

the social dissonance,
the bandana,
the addiction
to TV –

it’s all so human
and American
and sort of what
I used to be.

Maybe as a child
you never learned
some vital lesson
about how to be

‘you’, constantly
confined by
the disembodied care
of action movies,

the internet,
video games, gains
and things –
so many things

that no room remained
to nourish your
sensitive, non-
normal soul,

a pale kid
raised in a pale
hard heedless world
of shopping malls

and sitcoms
and dry corporate
looking for reason

and rightness and love
and writing out your
loneliness in endless
brilliant convoluted

books like the brainchild
of a disturbed mad
scientist savant
who just wanted

to be a regular guy
but couldn’t,
despite it all
and in the end

failed to flourish
and understand himself
even with all

the God-given talent
and advantages
and smarts –
like a glorious

missed opportunity
or tragedy
of the human
soul and society,

somebody who never
knew the light
he had inside

or got the chance
to let it shine
for failure

to see his mind
was more than
all that money, fame,
intellect can buy

and that life lived
outside the department store,
screen and our overblown
egos the true calling…

and seeing his story
and his suffering
just makes me
so sad.

Inspired by the movie The End of the Tour.



Charles Source
The Lark Publication

Many of my poems reflect my "wanderer" lifestyle. Thanks for reading, etc.