The Sea Swallowed You Whole

A series of stories from the sea

Lynette M.
The Lark Publication
2 min readFeb 19, 2022


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

I heard it,
The last radio call,
‘We lost them.
The sea has swallowed them whole.’
Tears burst the banks of my heart
The last time I saw you, we fought.
I told you not to get on that boat,
But you would not listen,
You said I was too old.

Instead, you laughed.
You said I was too spiritual,
You said science always triumphs
Blue skies and calm seas were the forecast
Clearance had been given to you
No room to turn back.

It was time to go,
You would not stay with me
On the safe shores of my heart.
You chose to sail unchartered waters
Adventure beckoned,
Adrenaline rushed.
A pull you could not resist
A magnetic force beyond my safety
I had nothing to fear, you said.
“Then where are the 50 ships and 20 planes that sunk over there?”

I shouted and held back torrential tears.
Once news broke,
Some said the angelic voices of Atlantis drew you in,
Science said methane bubbles swallowed you whole
I don’t care what they said,
All I know is you are gone.
And the sea swallowed you whole.
Now I mourn at her banks.
Was it worth the party after all?
I would use everything to stop you from boarding.
My friends, my family, our priest, but you wouldn’t listen

You chose the sea over me,
And now it has swallowed you whole
On the Bermuda Triangle.
Where no soul returns.



Lynette M.
The Lark Publication

Writer,poet,travel enthusiast who loves all things development .