The Sun’s Warmth

An inspired poem


at the end of a long day
she sits, comforted
by the sun’s warmth

eyes closed
she feels the soft evening breeze
floating across her bare face

her aching hands relax
resting gently on her lap

and the mask she’s worn
all day
slips silently to the ground


Thanks to my friend Eva for sharing her thoughts and requesting I create a poem from them. That inspiration was all I needed ❤

Sydney Duke Richey writes from the heart. Inspired by everyday experiences, her poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of her life.
Sydney lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband. She has two children and two grandchildren.



Sydney Duke Richey
The Lark Publication

Writing from the heart, I’m inspired by everyday experiences. My poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of my life. *Top Writer in Poetry*