The Turquoise Sky
The turquoise sky quiet,
no noise,
I turn my head up, placid empyrean,
with a sea-green ambiance
silence wrapped the vault of heaven;
overshadowed my being;
cerulean, my heart skin
peace scarfed my head,
no wild flights,
no diving deep, perhaps,
a deal with time!
exchange of wild,
with a color slide!
Silence, with Ferozah, arrived,
like lull after the torrential sky;
that hit me last night
splashed my face with sparkling water,
the throb of the passing night whitewashed
lilies revived,
roses smiled!
Flamingo traveled; each imprinting peace
in my mind
the wile night;
could not persuade the clamor
to stay back with the arrival of the turquoise sky
it was lurid, I endured the wild last night
Cleansing me of the inky patches, perking me,
welkin remained quiet:
a picture-perfect
embarked on my new life!
I peeped in,
the night that left me;
was babel and wild,
bats screeched through their wings;
owls hooted,
parliaments of them arrived;
a cackle of hyenas bit my scab,
wound recalcitrant;
refused to be healed all through the night!
The knocking sun at the door of my house
came with a poignant turquoise,
covered the skin of my sky
subtle and a picture perfect
has God arrived?
The boughs smiled
the breeze delicately sang with the bushes
that thorn me last night
a surround of peace; almost divine,
alighted on the dark canvas of my mind
how could pain endure a bright sky
do colors change your mind? travel with life?
rotate with the color wheel, the mood of life;
like turquoise did to me today,
quieter, reigns me and my sky!