Poetry | Emotions | Life Lessons

The Volcano That Learned to Cry

Warm tears like lava fall

Carolyn Hastings
The Lark Publication
4 min readAug 7, 2021


I really don’t like crying
It kinda makes me go insane
It messes with my head
the part that’s called my brain

I really don’t like crying
coz it means a runny nose
Cascades of salty liquids
streaming like a garden hose

The welling up of blinking eyes
I hope no one else will see
The painful lump inside my throat
surely it’s make-believe

I really don’t like crying
coz it means I’ve lost control
‘Suck it up, sunshine’
is the lesson I was told

‘Keep your feelings to yourself
Your heart’s not on your sleeve
Pull yourself together
There’s no place for weaklings here’

I should never have listened to myself
that inner voice had it wrong
Crying is not a sign of weakness
it shows my feelings to be strong



Carolyn Hastings
The Lark Publication

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.