The Weather

A multipolar poem

Alex Godley
The Lark Publication


Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

I often sit and wonder about the mind of the weather
One minute it’s calm, then next it blows away anything not tied to a tether

Just this morning I took a sunny stroll through the park
Until clouds approached from nowhere and suddenly it became dark

The gentle breeze that first tickled my cheeks and teased the leaves
Turned into a gale that tousled my hair and swung branches with heaves

And before long, what was a light sprinkle of rain
Became a deluge I couldn’t sustain

So, I leaned into that inclement wind
And made my way back, feeling appropriately chagrined

Then, as I arrived home all exhausted and wet
The clouds parted as if the weather reset

And after drying off, I contemplated venturing out again
But refrained at the thought that Madame Weather was a


© Alex Godley | May 2022

For another poetry piece, please click here:



Alex Godley
The Lark Publication

I’m a humble bard who likes to play with words and create new worlds. I also like chocolate. And cake.