They Are Only Lines But Mean a Lot

When they are drawn there is a story — a boundary or an emotion

Diepak Paul
The Lark Publication


On your temple, they are your worry, fear, or anger.
On the face, lines come and go. Show your smile or frown
Permanent lines on the front are the beating or caress
you saw called experience.
On your hands, they show your fortune as the wise say.
When they appear in relationships, they become barriers.
On the ground, they are the borders you should not cross.
On paper, lines shaped become word, document.
It could be a story, a decree, a poem, and many others.
On stone or clay, it could be a sculpture.
On a canvas, it could be a picture.
For a business, they can show where it is on a graph.
For scientists, it can be a plan or report.
For an architect, they are structures.
On roads, they show you lanes.
On a track, they are your lane
You thought they were only lines!

Diepak Paul writes about what he has seen in life and society. He also writes about the human state of Mind. He can be reached at



Diepak Paul
The Lark Publication

Life gave me much. I published first novel 2011. I am rewriting after my disability due to accident, and stroke. Starting to write here to heal, and be healed.