This Town’s Sky is Me

Gloomy but warm

Indah Maulida
The Lark Publication
1 min readJul 9, 2023


Photo by Indah Maulida (Author)

I love the sky
in this town

like a glittering sunshine
inside the jar

yet storm inside
overload the jar
as if no pretty things

I am the sky
the sky is me

We pour our feeling
but people might get rained
by us

We light up surrounding
but we might disconnect
from people

We say hello
to people warmly
but slipped on anxious clouds

We walk slowly on those clouds
but that’s too long
no one waits

We are the same thing
in this town

No four seasons
just the monotonous
rainy and dry

Crying, gloomy
but partly warm
and still, love.

© 2023 Indah Maulida

Here I am, dealing with the weather and myself.

I feel like a rainy and dry season in this town. So I decided to write about it.

Hello, I’m Indah. Thank you for reading my poem.
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Indah Maulida
The Lark Publication

Gloom makes you bloom. Like a flower. | Writer. Poet. English Instructor. Dreamer. | Support me here