Time Marches On

Remembering my daughter

Chuck Miller
The Lark Publication


Together on a fall day (author's collection)

Fall colors begin to fade,
Giving way to dark and gray
Who exactly decided you couldn’t stay?

You can be the CEO
or just a street wino
Death as arbitrary as the wind blows.

Years go by and I still wonder why
I barely said hello to your sweet face before goodbye
Perhaps our time together was just a lie.

These new things I build
Hoping the void I might fill
Better to move, they say, than remain standing still.

But am I drifting further away
or drawing closer by the day
It’s all the same anyway.

“Do you have children?” comes the question I dread
Panicked responses swirling in my head
“No,” I answer as the rooster crows — truth unsaid.

The thought of never seeing you again too painful to bear
Reuniting in heaven my only hope of lifting this despair
Please God if you’re there, I beg you, answer just this one prayer.

Thank you for reading my story! If you liked it, please consider clapping, highlighting your favorite phrase, commenting, and sharing it with a friend. You can also find more of my writing on my blog and Medium profile.



Chuck Miller
The Lark Publication

I wrote Will Little Roo Ever…?, a children’s picture book, and Inside the Mind of an Iron Icon, a strength training book. https://www.whatthechuuuck.com/