

Akash Chaudhary
The Lark Publication
Jul 11, 2023


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“I love you”
“It’ll pass”
But did it?
I went to bed,
that you’ll walk in my dreams.
I woke up
that the first thought would be you.
I tried my best
I fought the most
I vilified you
Hated you
Cursed you
Cursed me
And yet
you were there
Staring into my eyes
Tearing me apart
Asking me,
where did I go?
Did I leave you?
Do I not love you?
You asked me,
do I not care?
And I answered,
I don’t know you anymore
Was I telling the truth?
I don’t know
Was I lying?
I don’t think so
Who are you to me?
I am no one to you
I see you,
You see me
And we see past each other
To tell ourselves,
that we don’t care

