
A poem

Grant Fuerstenau
The Lark
2 min readMay 25, 2021


We cannot see it,
We cannot hear it,
But it’s there,
Waiting around every corner,
Taking those we love,
Leaving none to spare.

It shall certainly pass within a month or two,
There is nothing more to fear,
All will be well before ballots are due,
COVID is nothing more than an election-year political scare,
This bug is oceans away,
Why should we care?

A few hundred Americans infected,
Just breaking with a new topic on the news,
COVID may be contagious before it is even detected,
But how serious can this be?
And does our health care system have ample provisions?
Italy is an example of what can come with rationing of care,
Providers making quick decisions,
Leaving some family members with a sense of despair.

A few weeks in,
With hundreds more affected,
We sit at home and watch on the TV,
Families separated and isolated at sea,
But still yet another politician is being corrected,
Spreading misinformation,
Just to get reelected.

Every day we hear of more dread,
Hundreds, maybe thousands more are dead,
At the hands of a virus,
That we are still trying to contain,
With novel treatments and trials,
And resistance from public disdain.

Doctors should know all the answers,
As we are trained to help those with illnesses,
And those with cancers,
But we have hit a breaking point,
With our citizen distrust at an all-time high,
What more can we do,
When thousands more may die.

With mothers giving birth alone,
And fathers left to sit at home,
While grandparents watch from a far distance,
And celebrations and funerals moving into nonexistence,
All we want is to make it all go away,
But without togetherness,
We move even farther from the day,
We turn COVID-19,
Into a passing bad dream.

The worst part is,
We truly do not know when it will end,
Or how much more time we will have to spend,
Away from those we love,
And from those we want to hug,
But one unknown has ceased to stall
COVID is full of uncertainty,
And it has affected us all,

Grant Fuerstenau is a Medical Student at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.



Grant Fuerstenau
The Lark

Resident Physician | Medicine, Science, History, Geography, and Sports | Editor of The Biographical Historian