Uncharted Places


David Rudder
The Lark
Jan 11, 2022


Photograph by Author, South Island, New Zealand.

Breaking molds of uniformity
Testing the tried and true
Questioning conformity
Embracing what is new.

Reaching for new horizons
Out of the comfort zone
New destinations enliven
Directions we are blown.

Driven by the wind
Into unknown places
Willing to rescind
Implacable traces.

Winds of change are blowing
If resisted teeter then fall
Acceptance and knowing
Are ways to heed the call.

Indefatigable impressions
Cemented in the mind
Making new concessions
The type that never binds.

Breathing liberation
New eyes that now can see
Welcoming causation
And wanting to be free.

Expeditions of the senses
Into uncharted places
Seen through different lenses
The joy that life embraces.

© David Rudder

Thanks for reading.



David Rudder
The Lark

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.