Unfit But Held

A poem

Robert Henry
The Lark Publication
Jan 20, 2023


Photo by Shoeib Abolhassani on Unsplash

Yet unreached, I still hold out —
my hand unclasped, sunken in air;

a twitching flex fails retreat,
motive murky by guardship.

But none to resist, the meaty
palm warmed. Through
playful dances and
swirling pools,

around aged lines
that crease clouded prints,
our half-written journal of
tempest nights.

And for a moment, disjointed
stumps, those that for time
mashed to place —

yours from metal work,
mine a severed peach skin —

came together,
held out,

and moved at our hips,
as we made way for places to be.



Robert Henry
The Lark Publication

Inspiring Writer and Artist. College Something. Interested in the intersection of mental health, art, and expression. Draft and thought place.