What If I Lived For Two Thousand Years and One Day

A birthday poem

Ahlam Ben Saga
The Lark Publication
Jan 20, 2024


Art by CharlVera on Pixabay

If I lived for a thousand years
— two thousand
Would I be wiser?
Or would I still kick the air
with anger
Would I still delay the thoughts I want
to ponder
Or would I pause —
to look time in the eye
Would I have a name
for all the lines in my palms
Would one look suffice
To tell the truth from the lie
Oh but what if —
If I lived for a day
Would I be wiser
Would I look at my life with wonder
Would my path spread out, larger
Would I be seeing with all my eyes
Or just two?

Thank You For Reading 🍪



Ahlam Ben Saga
The Lark Publication

Inspired by nature, the night sky, and the Nine Muses, I write poems from the heart 🌌