What Was the Title?

Luke DeLalio
The Lark Publication
Jul 27, 2021


photo by the author

I forget more and more
Or is it less and less?

Where my pens are
Where is my hat?
While talking on my phone I look everywhere
for my phone
Things I promised
Most of the needed groceries

Someday I won’t forget anything because I’ll forget forgetting

The nice ending: but I’ll never forget you

The true ending: I can’t forget the small thoughts that eat me from the inside out
Termites nesting in my self-esteem
The patterns of a life that hold me where I have never wanted to be
Boat anchors that still have plenty of scopes

Maybe: the hawsers will be cut in a memory care unit

More likely: I’ll forget how to speak yet remember how I used to make people laugh



Luke DeLalio
The Lark Publication

Artsie and loquacious, Luke hangs out at the intersections of humor and regret, ambition and ambivalence, please more wine and jeez I need to lose weight.