Why Did That Man…

A fictional poem of a woman who became a man’s need

Arushi Sahu
The Lark Publication
1 min readSep 14, 2021


Photo by Avis Yang on Unsplash

Why did she have to become the
need of the man?
Why did she have to
be that woman?

She says it was her destiny
to get married to him.
But to become his need
was it her will, destiny or her doom?

Why did that man believe that
catering to him was her duty?
Why did he never see, that cater
was out of care and not duty.

Why did he never put himself
in her shoes?
I just don’t get it
where is his lost empathy?

Why didn’t he realize that
she became his need?
Maybe she was the one who led
the growth of that needy seed.

Why did she become the woman
of his dreams?
Why wasn’t she only the love
of his dreams.

A lot of why’s unanswered.
I hope it was science, an easy answer.
But still, there are some questions
‘Why woman can reproduce and man can’t?’
which are left unanswered.

~Arushi Sahu



Arushi Sahu
The Lark Publication

A being lost in fantasy. Craving step beyond reality| Poetry| Other sites:- https://fusedmusingspoetry.blogspot.com | Insta: @dawn.s.poetry