Short Story

World in Crisis

The future in focus

Tom Kane
The Lark Publication


Future dystopian world, empty ruined building inside
Image by Author

As I sit here in 2095, pouring over the weathered pages of my old diaries, I’m transported back to the echoes of two distinct eras — 2050, a time of innovation and interconnected living, and 2075, a haunting dystopia born from the ashes of a once-thriving world. These diaries, fragments of my past, serve as a bridge between a future that brimmed with possibilities and another that spiraled into the depths of despair.

Join me.

20th December 2050 — My Day

Copied from my daily diary

In the year 2050, a typical day unfolds for me, a 34-year-old architect living in a bustling metropolis that reflects the advancements in technology, society, and daily routines.

Morning: 7:00 AM

I wake up to the gentle nudge of my smart sleep monitor. As my eyes open, the room’s smart lighting mimics the sunrise, easing me into wakefulness. The ambient temperature adjusts to my liking, ensuring a comfortable start to my day. AURA, my personal AI assistant, displays my daily schedule on the bedroom wall.

Breakfast: 8:00 AM

In the kitchen, I interact with my smart appliances. The refrigerator suggests a nutritious breakfast based on my dietary preferences and health data. A 3D food printer prepares a customized smoothie and a plate of nutrient-rich 3D-printed pancakes. I enjoy my breakfast while catching up on the latest news through AR glasses projecting a holographic news feed.

Commute: 9:00 AM

I step into my autonomous electric vehicle, seamlessly integrated with the city’s smart transportation network. The car’s AI optimizes the route based on traffic patterns, ensuring a smooth commute. During the ride, I attended a virtual meeting with colleagues through advanced holographic conferencing technology.

Work: 10:00 AM — 5:00 PM

As I arrive at my sustainable office building, my personalized workstation adjusts to my ergonomic preferences. I collaborate with my team using augmented reality to visualize architectural designs in real-time. AI algorithms assist in generating innovative concepts and optimizing building efficiency.

Lunch: 12:30 PM

I take a break in the communal space, where robotic chefs prepare fresh, locally sourced meals. The environment, featuring vertical gardens and smart-tinted windows, creates a harmonious and energy-efficient workspace.

Afternoon: 1:30 PM — 5:00 PM

I continue my work, seamlessly transitioning between physical and virtual environments. Augmented reality glasses project holographic interfaces, allowing me to manipulate digital models with precision. Collaborative virtual reality sessions streamline decision-making with clients and stakeholders.

Evening: 6:00 PM

After work, I engage in personalized wellness activities. My home’s AI suggests a tailored workout routine, and a holographic fitness instructor guides me through exercises. I relax with immersive virtual reality experiences, exploring virtual worlds or enjoying artistic performances.

Dinner: 8:00 PM

I order a meal from a local 3D-printed food service, selecting sustainable and locally sourced options. The food is delivered by an autonomous drone, ensuring a quick and eco-friendly service. I enjoy my dinner while streaming a documentary on my smart home entertainment system.

Night: 10:00 PM

As I prepare for bed, my smart home system adjusts the lighting and ambient conditions to promote restful sleep. AURA reviews my schedule for the next day and provides gentle reminders. I fall asleep with the assurance that my AI assistant will optimize my surroundings for a rejuvenating night’s sleep. My day in 2050 reflects a seamlessly interconnected and technologically advanced lifestyle, where AI, augmented reality, and sustainable practices enhance every aspect of my daily living.

Future strange world ethereal fantasy
Image by Author

20th December 2075 — My Day

Copied from my daily diary

Morning: 7:00 AM

The feeble light of a flickering bulb reveals the desolation of my living space. The air, thick with the acrid stench of decay, clings to my skin as I rise from a tattered mattress. A rusty alarm clock rattles to life, its abrasive buzz cutting through the silence, a stark reminder of the harsh reality that awaits outside.

Breakfast: 8:00 AM

In the ramshackle kitchen, I scavenge for sustenance among dwindling supplies. The refrigerator’s feeble hum barely masks the odor of spoiled remnants. I settle for a dented can of processed soup, its contents a murky blend of artificial flavors that barely pass for nourishment.

Commute: 9:00 AM

I step into the grim cityscape, navigating through the ruins of a once-thriving metropolis. Dilapidated buildings loom overhead, their skeletal frames casting ominous shadows. The remnants of public transportation lie abandoned, replaced by the haunting echo of my footsteps on cracked pavement.

Work: 10:00 AM — 5:00 PM

The workplace is a decayed shell of its former self. Dust-covered relics of technology stand as silent witnesses to a society that crumbled under its weight. Manual labor fills the void left by the absence of machines, each task a reminder of the technological graveyard that surrounds me.

Lunch: 12:30 PM

In the abandoned communal spaces, I consume a meager meal salvaged from the remnants of forgotten stores. The taste, a bitter reminder of scarcity, lingers in the air. Conversation is a rare commodity, replaced by the silent acknowledgment that survival trumps all.

Afternoon: 1:30 PM — 5:00 PM

The afternoon sun casts long, eerie shadows across the landscape as I engage in backbreaking labor. The remnants of technology lie scattered, their disintegration symbolic of a world that imploded. The oppressive atmosphere is punctuated by the sound of footsteps, a constant reminder of the vulnerability that permeates every moment.

Evening: 6:00 PM

As darkness descends, the city plunges into a void. Makeshift candles flicker, their feeble glow barely illuminating the skeletal structures that surround me. The streets transform into danger zones, where every sound becomes a potential threat, and the only solace is found within the confines of makeshift shelters.

Dinner: 8:00 PM

Dinner is a meager offering, a rationed portion salvaged from the remnants of a desolate world. The once vibrant flavors of diverse cuisines are now replaced by the monotony of survival. Distant footsteps echo in the background, a reminder that even in the solace of a meal, one must remain vigilant against the encroaching darkness.

Night: 10:00 PM

As I lay on a frayed mattress, surrounded by the debris of a broken world, sleep offers a temporary respite from the harsh reality. Dreams are haunted by the graphic memories of a time when the promise of a connected future was brutally shattered.

In this dystopian 2025, every nightfall is a reluctant descent into a world where the graphic echoes of a technological collapse define every agonizing breath.

In the dim glow of a fading candle, I retreat to the solace of my frayed mattress, a makeshift sanctuary amidst the ruins. With trembling hands, I open a weathered diary and, in the flickering light, begin to document the gruesome events that have led to the rapid decline of civilization. The inked words bleed onto the pages as I recount the relentless march of a merciless virus, societal unrest spiraling into chaos, and the unchecked exploitation of dwindling resources.

Widespread corruption and the unchecked power of corporations left governments paralyzed, their once-sturdy foundations crumbling under the weight of greed and negligence. The collapse was swift, as misinformation and propaganda fuelled division, turning neighbors into adversaries and compassion into a distant memory.

As I pen down these grim chronicles, I can’t escape the sinking realization that the dystopia surrounding me is not an isolated tragedy but a pervasive reality that has swallowed the world whole.

The diary becomes a testament to the unraveling of society, a silent witness to the collective downfall that pushed humanity to the brink of oblivion.

Today 20th December 2095

As I close the pages of these diaries, the weight of history bears down on me. In 2095, the world is a different place, shaped by the ghosts of our past. The whispers of those bygone days hint at a present state of things that sends shivers down my spine.

The shadows of both technological marvels and dystopian nightmares linger, weaving an unsettling tapestry that obscures the true nature of the world around us. The echoes of our journey, from the heights of innovation to the depths of desolation, serve as cautionary tales.

The future remains veiled in uncertainty, and as I glance outside, the air is thick with an unspoken foreboding, a silent reminder that the present state of things may hold secrets darker than even the most vivid imaginations dared to conjure in the past.



Tom Kane
The Lark Publication

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium