2018, Weeks 1–6: An update

It’s been a good year so far—here’s why.

Kate Pedroso
the last girl
3 min readFeb 10, 2018


By Nick Morrison on Unsplash

It’s been a busy first few weeks of 2018: We hit the ground running at work, while at the home front, my partner and I have been working on a few side projects as well. Before we knew it, we’re already approaching mid-February! Time flies when you’re not looking.

Projects, a summary

Letters, anyone?

Letters to the Last Girl 2.0

This year, I am trying to execute a regular, at least once-a-week writing routine, and I’m doing it via my newsletter. So far, so good: I’ve been releasing one newsletter every Sunday which usually contains highlights from the past week. I spend most of the week just listing down potential topics/ bookmarking interesting links/writing down notable quotes, and then I try to set aside 1–2 hours on Friday/Saturday for writing and production before queueing it up via MailChimp. It’s been working splendidly so far.

Quality Media Consumption

2018 has been a good year so far, in terms of media consumed:

  1. Greatest Showman
  2. Call Me By Your Name
  3. One Day At A Time
  4. Black Mirror Season 4

That said, I need to read more. What’s on everyone’s reading list these days? The last book I finished was Cal Newport’s “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” and I’m trying to finish Chris Guillebeau’s “Sidehustle School” (if you’re not listening to the podcast — you should be!)

Speaking of books.

Remember that ten-year-old love story I was rewriting last year? This one:

So I finished rewriting that and four other stories, and over the holidays my book designer-slash-partner also finished the book design for it, which brings us to this, today — (Available in paperback via Lulu and eBook format via Gumroad)

The 2018 Pipeline, an overview

Customized finances/adulting planners! Notepads! Online courses! Downloadables! Book 2! We have things in our minds, but we’re taking on them one by one. What’s on your plate for the rest of the year? :)

We’re giving away postcards/design discount vouchers all half-year-long. Sign-up at The Postcard Project: bit.ly/postcardproj

All designs still available! Sign up now. bit.ly/postcardproj



Kate Pedroso
the last girl

Writer from Manila. Work hard, play hard. Opinions are my own and not my employer's.