A decade of recaps

2016 was the year I fell off the habit of efficient life recording.

Kate Pedroso
the last girl
3 min readJan 4, 2017


I n years past, I often capped the year-long blogging season with a recap of sorts. Delving through three old blogs, I found that I have been in the habit of looking back on my year since 2006, which means, to date, I have accumulated a decade’s worth of recaps. These recaps usually consist of a month-by-month listing of things I found blog-worthy: Movies, books, TV series, food, Internet longreads, etc.

Recaps 2006–2015

Last year — 2016 — was the first year since 2006 that I failed to make any yearender of sorts. Perhaps this was because I wanted to forget bulk of 2016, a true annus horribilis, whose decline has been evident since the first quarter, and which spared no one (and no country) until the very end.

However, it did have its fine moments: Our team won our first journalism award from the Catholic Mass Media Awards, and I was in Singapore for the first time for the Formula One race.

This year has also been a year of change. The Inquirer changed its look; a cousin got married. The country ushered in a new president in May. I quit my job last December after 11 years of working in the paper.

Truth be told, I haven’t turned over a completely new leaf in more than a decade. Doing so right now — at this age — feels strangely exhilarating and, of course, downright terrifying. Like most people, change makes me anxious, and my anxiety often leads me to doubt myself:

What was I thinking? Who did I think I was, doing something like this? Do I have what it takes to pull this off? Can I really do this?

Fortunately, my inner demons have always been matched by an army of outside angels — friends and family who have constantly tried to encourage me to challenge myself with every passing year. But even with them around, the struggle to overcome has been constant.

Last year, I let my inner demons run the party, for the most part. This year, that is about to change. If there’s one thing that I hope will make it to the 2017 recap, I hope it will be that.



Kate Pedroso
the last girl

Writer from Manila. Work hard, play hard. Opinions are my own and not my employer's.