Meet the Miners #4: Paulo Unas

Introducing Paulo, a mining customer whose feet are on the road but his mind is in Siberia.

Cyberian Mine GmbH
The Last Mine Standing
3 min readAug 21, 2019


On the fourth article of our series where we will try to give you some insights into the sort of people who are hosting their machines with us in our Siberian facilities, we bring you another interesting character.

Paulo has started mining recently and shares with us his views on what he believes will happen with next year’s halving event.

Where are you based and how long have you been mining?

I would like to begin by stating how much of a pleasure it is to be in this “spot” and to be answering the questions for the new article from the series “Meet the Miners”.

I was born in Porto, Portugal, but now I’m living with my family in Ablitas, a little village in the province of Navarra, Spain.

I’m a newbie in mining and in crypto; my interest in this market, however, got serious by the end of April this year, and I got my first miner at the beginning of May.

Are you mining full-time? And if not what else are you doing right now?

No, I am not mining full-time at the moment. I face crypto mining as a long-term investment: think of it as an early ‘Retirement Fund’.

I work as a long-distance truck driver. I spend most of my days on the road, driving through all of Europe.

How did you hear about Cyberian Mine — and why did you choose to work with us?

How did I hear about Cyberian Mine? I didn’t! Jason Deane is the one to “blame” for having me come and check the company out. I was searching on the Web and came across Jason’s story about his miner and Cyberian Mine.

After that, I got in touch with CM and Malcolm was very patient with me. I ordered a Z9 mini for a test run, met Max, also a very patient guy, and a week later got some more machines… and it seems it’s like an addiction: the more you get, the more you want.

What is your decision making process when purchasing a new machine, which models to chose, etc.?

In the beginning it was a bit random… I mean, the machines that were available at Cyberian Mine’s store which fit into my budget were the ones I would choose. Now I tend to look at the miner’s Hash Rate, when it would be available to start mining (I prefer to buy the ones that are on store ready to mine) and price.

No matter where work takes Paulo, he is always connected to our community.

In your opinion, what will happen with the Bitcoin mining market after next year’s halving event?

In my humble and very newbie opinion, when the halving occurs, the miners with low hash/high electricity costs will turn their miners off if the BTC price remains around 11 to 13k USD, thus lowering difficulty. If BTC prices ‘go to the moon’ everybody will continue mining.

The people that have miners with very low electricity costs, like the one we have at Cyberian Mine, and that have gotten their ROI back, will continue mining.

As for the hardware market, machines with low hash will be very hard to sell, if BTC rates continue at 11–13k USD, even at very low prices because everybody will be running for the ‘big boys’ with high hash rate.

The search for higher hash/low power consumption machines will be the main focus of hardware manufacturers.

Originally published at on August 21, 2019.



Cyberian Mine GmbH
The Last Mine Standing

Berlin based startup bringing renewable and inexpensive hydro electricity from Siberia to the European cryptomining market.