Murder, Mystery and Intrigue: A Deceptive Narrator Unveiled

A 4 Paw Review by Rotto 🐾🐾

Sandi Parsons
The Last Nerd
Published in
Jun 24, 2023


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Fury by Shirley Marr

Told through the eyes of unreliable narrator Eliza, Fury is not a typical whodunnit. Upfront we know the culprit behind the murder is Eliza herself.

“My name is Eliza Boans, and I am a murder.
I know. It’s pretty shocking, huh?”

Eliza’s opening lines feeds the reader many questions.
Who’s been murdered? Why? How?
More importantly, why is Eliza so flippant about her murdering status?

Image Description: Rotto, a black and tan dog is sitting next to a green fairy mushroom which is displaying a copy of Fury by Shirley Marr.

Told in flashbacks with snippets of information, Eliza gradually reveals the answers — after a fashion, and in her own style.

The characters in Fury are flawed and display unthinkable behaviour — it’s one of the factors that makes Fury so compelling and hard to put down.

Rotto thought Fury was a fabulous read, well-deserving of the top ranking — 4 paws 🐾🐾



Sandi Parsons
The Last Nerd

Sandi Parsons lives & breathes stories as a reader, writer, and storyteller📚 Kidlit specialist, dipping her toes in the big kid’s pool.