Apple iPhone SE 2- The best iPhone for your Wallet!

The Latest Technology
5 min readApr 17, 2020

Apple just released their new iPhone SE 2, but is this the iPhone meant for you, and should you buy it?

The Brand-New iPhone SE 2, in Black (Credit: Apple)

A new iPhone always means that some fun is coming up, and this iPhone is no exception. Even though it doesn’t have the newest and greatest camera, 4K Display, or a pop-up camera, it still is worth talking about. This iPhone is much different from the rest of the lineup, it comes at almost a third of the price of the flagship iPhone 11 Pro Max, but still packs the same processor! A small group of people want a phone that’s smaller, cheaper, but still has the top specs and features. The iPhone SE 2 is just that, it’s a niche phone that only a particular crowd should buy (more on that later).

What’s New with the iPhone SE 2?

All of the features that this iPhone came out with have been in previous iPhone's already, so none of it is really “new.” However, treat this phone as an update to 2017’s iPhone 8, not a flagship phone. Oh, and also, keep in mind that this phone is below $400. Yeah, you heard me right.

  • A13 Processor (Found on the $1000 iPhone 11 Pro)
  • New Camera’s (Similar shooter to the iPhone XR)
  • Clean, Refreshing Back Design
  • 2020 Software (Updates for a LONG time)
  • 3 Color Options (Black, White, Red)
The Product RED iPhone

Even though this is almost like a spec bump, there are 2 main things that we should talk about

The A13 Processor. For $399

I’m sure you’ve heard about how good iPhone processors are, but this phone is different at a value proposition. The performance on this thing will easily last you 3–4 years, and the software updates Apple rolls out are usually based on the processor, so as long as the 11 gets updates, so will the SE 2. The only thing limiting the processor is that the display is pretty small, low-resolution, so it’s hard to take advantage of the A13. At $399, there is legitimately no way you will find better performance in an Android, even a flagship. If you’re someone who carries 2 phones, one for work and one for personal, this phone could be for you, as it doesn’t have to be top of the line, and it’ll last you a while as well.

The new camera system

The iPhone SE 2’s camera is the exact same lens that is found with the iPhone XR, which shows that it is a modern-unit, considering the XR’s camera was Apple’s flagship standard just last year. This camera lens was the first year Apple went software-forward, as the bokeh effects (Portrait Mode) are generated by software, not by a telephoto lens like the 11 Pro. These pictures look fantastic, and I use an XR on the daily, the only shortcoming is that you can only take pictures of people, not objects. The video camera on this iPhone can go until 4K 60fps, and Apple has always been known for their smooth, crisp, and detailed video quality. Again, we see a similar story as the software and the processor that Apple has packed into this phone can provide AMAZING results, but that camera lens just flat out can’t do it.

iPhone recording video at a high-resolution

Anything else that’s new?

Design is the most important element of a new product, at least in my opinion. If the phone doesn’t feel good in the hand, why would you buy it? The reason why Apple products are very addicting is because of how good they feel and the design language that has been a staple for Apple. When the 11 Series came out, the back of the phone because all clean, with just the Apple logo. They have repeated the same design language with the iPhone SE 2, and it looks so modern. The reason why I’m also raving about this back is because it also shows differentiation from the iPhone 8, so people know that you have the latest iPhone (Sorry iPhone 11).

The Back of the iPhone SE 2- So Clean! (Credit: Apple)

The color options are also pretty striking, Black, White, and Red. It’s a simple combo, but it works, and that’s all that matters. My personal favorite of the bunch is red, and next would be black for that stealthy look, but they’re all amazing. Also, have I mentioned that this phone is only $400?! The phone packs so much punch, an amazing camera, and it’s got that 2020 feel to it, what’s lacking? Well, there are so many things that this is outdated on, but that price is what you should be looking at if you’re planning to purchase this thing. This phone is also pretty small, like very small at 4.7", but that’s the beauty of the iPhone SE lineup, small and striking. There are many Android phones that have a bigger screen, or thinner bezels, but this is made by Apple, and they usually are very reliable to buy a phone from, because they know what they are doing.

So, who should buy this phone?

The first group of people that comes to my mind is children. In this day and age, teenagers always have the latest and greatest smartphones, but if you want something reliable, this is still a great go. If you’ve got a child going into middle school, this would be a perfect match, it’s an iPhone, it’s got an amazing camera, it’s up-to-date, what else do you need? After you think they’re ready for a better phone in a couple of years, it would be the best transition. Also, the Apple ecosystem is worth talking about. I have heard of so many parents buying their children Apple products at young ages, and their reason is that they work so well together. Parents can set screen time limits, app usage, and even more for children, which gives them much more control. Another group of people is if you want a budget phone that will last you a while, this phone will do, but I highly suggest looking at maybe a used XR or a discounted 11, because that has the latest hardware, with really good software as well.

The iPhone SE 2 is also waterproof (Credit: Apple)

The iPhone SE 2 is a great phone, but it’s only meant for some people. For the majority of you guys, hold out for the 12, but if you think the SE 2 is for you, it will definitely not let you down.



The Latest Technology

I’m Sai Koppu, a 17-Year-Old Technology Reviewer who is the founder and CEO of 24/7Tech, aimed to educate people about the latest and greatest technologies.