Luckily Unlucky

Flash Fiction

Roschelle Zuniga
The LATHE Online
1 min readSep 13, 2020


Artwork by Dharel Jones Panopio

It was our afternoon class. Our professor already sent the code and link to our Google Meeting for our class in Morphology and Phonology.

We will have our graded recitation, and even when I reviewed the module, I still have difficulty pronouncing each sound in every word. But I am so confident that I will not be called this time because we only have one hour. Our professor always starts from the letter A (student with a surname starting with A).

Unexpectedly, she announced, “Okay, let’s have the sound pattern of these words, and this time, let’s start from the last person in the list.”

I wanted to leave the meeting and pretend that I am having a connection problem, but it looks like my hand automatically unmute myself. I have left no choice but to answer her question.




Roschelle Zuniga
The LATHE Online

Writer | Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies student