Legal Pads vs. Notebooks

It’s a battle for the (p)ages!

Rocketbook Launchpad
The Launch Pad
5 min readMar 20, 2020


Legal pads and notebooks have coexisted for what seems like millions of years (it’s actually 96 years). However, it was inevitable that a day would come when their differences would prove too much and they’d have to fight it out. That day is today. Of course, these are inanimate objects, so they can’t actually battle it out. Instead, as connoisseurs of note-taking tools, we’re taking it upon ourselves to examine the facts and make an executive decision on who deserves the title of world champion note-taking tool.

To be clear, we’re going to:

  • Break down the differences between legal pads and notebooks
  • Analyze their strengths and weaknesses
  • Make our recommendation for which to use based on your specific circumstances.

So read on and enjoy the fight (NOTE: no legal pads or notebooks were harmed in the making of this blog post).

The Differences

Before examining how legal pads and notebooks size up, we must list their strict physical differences.

Legal Pads

In one corner, there is the world-famous legal pad, a slim, top-bound, exceptionally dapper yellow stack of paper with a 1.25-inch margin. Typically consisting of 50 sheets, the legal pad is lightweight and primarily used for quick, on the fly idea capturing. Not to mention it looks cool as hell and is a celebrity of the note-taking world as it’s starred in every movie that depicts a courtroom scene ever.


In the other corner stands a stout, 96 sheet spiral bound hunk of paper. Protected by its cover, the notebook is slightly bulkier than its adversary and is often used for longer-term note-taking that’s meant to be preserved. Not to mention notebooks are the standard for most — they’re the go-to weapon for putting pen to paper and that is certainly worth mentioning.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are three categories we’ll use to fairly asses the advantages and disadvantages of each competitor. (1) How Effective is it in the Moment?: this looks at how well the note-taking tool serves its purpose in the very moment you are writing down your ideas. (2) How Effective is it in the Future?: this considers the tool’s utility over time, including its durability and how easy it is to retrieve old notes. (3) Miscellaneous: This category is mostly an excuse to name the best films legal pads are featured in and to give tips on bedazzling a notebook cover and it is by far the least important category.

1 — How Effective is it in the Moment?

Legal pads are efficient in that they have no cover which means easy access to capturing ideas. Notebooks, on the other hand, have a front cover which is significantly less inviting than an open page ready to be scribbled on. Additionally, the top-bound legal pads are a fan-favorite among lefties, who insist notebooks’ spiral binding impedes their ability to take notes comfortably.

Creating a new idea takes brainpower, and studies have shown that the yellow color of legal pads stimulates brain activity, which is an advantage over the white paper of notebooks. On the other hand, notebook users allege the yellow pages are gaudy and even distract focus from good note-taking.

Category 1 Winner: legal pads. For their ease of access and idea-stimulating design, legal pads take round 1 over notebooks.

2 — How Effective is it in the Future?

This is the notebook’s time to shine, it’s built for the long term note-taker. In Category 1, the cover was a drawback, whereas in Category 2, it’s the notebooks’ strongest asset. A legal pad, when tossed haphazardly into a bag will begin to curl at the ends which makes for a most unpleasant writing experience. The notebook isn’t just durable in its protection, but in its very design as the standard one-subject notebook contains about 100 sheets whereas the legal pad comes in at a measly 50. Returning to the boxing match metaphor, legal pads are starting to look winded.

Another key aspect of the long term value of these note-taking tools is how easy it is to retrieve old notes. Legal pads’ lack of protection means that old notes often get damaged, even when tucked back into the pad. Notebooks aren’t perfect, but their design lends itself to long-term notetaking with pages that can easily be flipped through for review. Flipping back through the pages of a legal pad is cumbersome and just doesn’t “feel” right. In fact, in our survey of legal pad users, one person complained that they’re “handy in a pinch, but annoying to deal with in the future”.

Category 2 Winner: notebooks. It’s clear: if you’ll need your notes in the future, notebooks are the safe bet.

No Contest: We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that Rocketbook notebooks and our legal pad, the Rocketbook Orbit, would score well in both Catetgory 1 and 2. Our reusable pages make taking notes unintimidating, as you can always erase and start anew. Furthermore, the Rocketbook app allows for easy scanning and online storage of notes so you’re never in danger of losing or accidentally crumpling a page full of valuable ideas.

The Rocketbook Orbit

3 — Miscellaneous

Okay, here’s just some of the movies that feature legal pads: Spotlight (2015), 12 Angry Men (1957), A Few Good Men (1992), The Lincoln Lawyer (2011), Primal Fear (1996), and My Cousin Vinny (1992), to name a few. It’s undeniable, legal pads are just cool.

The popularity of bedazzling spanned over 30 years, which is impressive enough that anything — including the decoration of notebook covers — that contributed to that run of success deserves some credit. So while they lack the moxie of legal pads, notebooks aren’t going down without a fight.

Which is Right for You: Legal Pad or Notebook?

Category 1 went to legal pads, Category 2 went to notebooks, and Category 3 was a split decision. The real answer is that the right note-taking tool depends on your situation.

If you need an easy way to jot ideas down throughout the day, take notes during a phone call, brainstorm ideas during a meeting, or write, cross-out, and rewrite to-do lists, then go with legal pads.

If you like to plan your weeks ahead, keep a journal, take class notes, or track habits over time, then go with notebooks.

If you’re looking for a reusable and cloud-connected note-taking tool that helps save paper and doesn’t force you to spend money on new notebooks or legal pads, then go with the Rocketbook Orbit.

We’d Like to Hear From You

Let us know which note-taking tool you prefer and how you use it by sending us a message on social media (@getrocketbook). Or, if a Rocketbook product is your fighter of choice, take a photo and tag us with #Rocketbook to be featured in our Fan Feature Fridays on Instagram.

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