RB App 2021 Roundup

Rocketbook Launchpad
The Launch Pad
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2021

Your 2021 Scanning Accomplishments

See what you’ve accomplished this year in the Rocketbook app and learn some fun facts (we’ll let you decide if the facts are fun, but we’d like to think they are).

Pages Scanned in 2021 | Over 41 million pages scanned. Which means over 41 million pieces of paper saved. Convert that number to miles and it’s enough to travel around the Earth 1600 times. We don’t know why you’d want to do that, but just know that you could. Good job, you.

Most Scans in a Single Day (2/1/21) | First there was darkness, then dinosaurs ran the planet, there were ice ages, and eventually humans came about — all leading up to one day: February 1, 2021. On this day, some unexplained cosmic force compelled people to scan 225,528 Rocketbook pages, the most scans in a single day ever. That’s just random, I’m sure the next most scanning day was very close. Wrong! It’s not close. It’s cosmic.

Total Smart Tags Created | It’s a fair conclusion that the more Smart Tags you add to scans, the smarter you are. It naturally follows that with over 302K Smart Tags added in 2021, the Rocketbook crew is a supremely smart bunch.

Total Scans Transcribed | The Rocketbook app transcribing 10 million scans is surely pushing humanity closer to making Terminator 2 come true. That means robot overlords will run the future (not good). It also means Arnold Schwarzenegger–at his best–will save the world(very good).

Study Mode Clicked | Shout out to anyone learning anything with Study Mode. Whether your learning how to play piano, how to code, or how to speak Spanish, we give you props.

(If you did end up learning to speak Spanish, we have good news for you below).

New Features in 2021


The Explore section of the Rocketbook app provides new tips and tricks for using Rocketbook products, app feature announcements, and free giveaways. Learn more about Explore.


Merge gives you the power to combine a new scan with previously scanned pages of notes. Using Merge, you can send these scans as one file to any destination or save them together on the app’s History screen. Learn more about Merge.

Smart Tags

Smart Tags allows you to add tags to your scans to organize your notes into categories. In the History section of our app, filter by Smart Tag to see only the scans in a single category. Learn more about Smart Tags.

Spanish Support

5% of people who open the Rocketbook app have the rest of their device set to Spanish. Not anymore. Now when they open the Rocketbook app, it too will be in Spanish. Guau eso es increíble.

These app features were among the most requested features on our Customer Ideas Page, so we built them. (If we were holding a microphone, we’d drop it, but alas, we’re a disembodied blog post and can’t hold objects.)

Destination Celebration

Here’s the top scan destinations from 2021:

Your Favorite Notebooks

Here’s the notebooks you scanned most in 2021:

That’s it. That’s the 2021 Rocketbook app roundup. Thanks for participating by using the Rocketbook app throughout the year, and we’ll see you 365 days from now to celebrate the 2022 roundup. We expect it to be a good one.

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