Rewriting Notebook History

Rocketbook takes on characters throughout history.

Rocketbook Launchpad
The Launch Pad
2 min readJul 13, 2022


For eons, Rocketbook has made “notebooks from the future”. Sometimes, though, it’s important to revisit the past….

What’s Happening?

  1. Every Wednesday, we’ll be premiering a video (and behind the scenes Q&A) of a new historical character going up against Rocketbook in a notebook aisle.
  2. Enter to win a free Rocketbook Multi Subject! Answer our poll to guess who the next character in the series will be.
  3. Tune into the following week’s livestream to see if you won the giveaway and enter that week’s giveaway (by answering the poll).

#1 — Rocketbook vs. Caveman

The first step to rewriting notebook history is to go back. Way back. Back when humankind wasn’t writing on reusable notebooks, but on the walls of caves. Back when the cloud wasn’t an online storage space, but something that we sacrificed goats to. It was weird.

Let’s see how a Caveman handles being introduced to Rocketbook…

🚨 Free Giveaway: Win a Rocketbook Multi Subject notebook! 🚨

#2 — Rocketbook vs. ???

Who will Rocketbook take on in week 2 of Rewriting Notebook History? Take the poll below to make your guess and enter to win a free Rocketbook Multi Subject notebook!

Tune in on Wednesday, 7/20 at 12pm EST to find out if you won and who is next up in the notebook aisle gauntlet.

⇨ Click to RSVP to Part 2⇦

#3 — Rocketbook vs. ???

Who will Rocketbook take on in the final week of Rewriting Notebook History? Take the poll below to make your guess and enter to win a free Rocketbook Multi Subject notebook!

Tune in on Wednesday, 7/20 at 12pm EST to find out if you won and who is next up in the notebook aisle gauntlet.

⇨ Click to RSVP to Part 3⇦

Stay Tuned

Tune into each livestream to see us rewrite notebook history and to hear the behind the scenes info on how we created these videos.

Follow us on social media to never miss a video premiere and to answer the poll on who will be featured in the next video so you can be entered into the giveaway for a free Rocketbook Multi Subject notebook!

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