Use Smart Lists for Holiday Shopping

List your 2021 gift ideas. Smartly.

Rocketbook Launchpad
The Launch Pad
3 min readDec 13, 2021


Lots of things are done remotely these days: work, going to the movies, and holiday shopping. If you’re worried about your holiday gift lists getting lost in the shuffle, fear not. Rocketbook’s Smart List feature can help you stay calm and organized, even though holiday shopping can feel hectic.

Keep reading to see how Smart Lists will make your holiday shopping look and feel … smarter! This year, give yourself the gift of an organized holiday shopping list.

What Are Smart Lists?

Smart Lists is a feature in the Rocketbook app that allows you to create digital versions of lists made in your Rocketbook notebook. Our OCR technology automatically detects any list items (signified by a square) and transcribes your tasks onto a new screen within the app!

How Do Smart Lists Work?

To use Smart Lists, make sure you turn Smart Lists ON in your OCR Settings. Then create your list using left-aligned hollow squares before each item, like this:

☐ Toy Spaceship for Cousin Greg
☐ Anti-Gravity Machine for Kendall
☐ Moon Shoes for Tom

When your list is complete, scan your page and voilà–your Smart List is born. Or…created, born makes it sound weird.

Use Smart Lists to keep track of all your holiday gifting.

If some items weren’t scanned, don’t be a grinch! You can always manually edit, add, and delete list items in the app. Then go eat some who-pudding.

Click Here: Get a detailed walkthrough on Smart Lists.

Smart Lists for Holiday Shopping

Now that you know how Smart Lists works, you can use this feature to help with your holiday shopping! Thanks to multiple studies, we know that writing by hand helps with better learning and retention and shopping (okay, we can’t confirm that last one).

Holiday Lists Examples

The best gift this holiday season is the one you remember to buy…because you used Smart Lists.

  • Cheer & Sneer: It works like this: (1) You’re feeling holiday cheer. (2) You make a holiday gifts for your family. (3) It’s December 23rd. (4) You can’t find the list. (5) You buy everyone candles. (6) You sneer…OR you use Smart Lists and buy them the perfect gifts. Whew, back to feeling cheer.
  • A Festival of Lists: Want a break from material goods? The holidays season is a good time to reflect. Each morning, make a list of what you’re grateful for. Scan the page, create a Smart List, and take a look at it throughout the day for an energy boost.
  • Family Feast: Maybe your gift to the world is your talent for a holiday dinner. Write down the ingredients to your famous Roast Beast and use Smart Lists to bring a digital version of your list to the store. Now, you can be sure you’re not forgetting any ingredients and can even check off the list as you shop.
No matter what you’re listing, be smart about it.

At this point, we’d normally say “go out and start gifting!”. But instead, we’ll say “go out and start listing!”. Although, with the tool of Smart Lists in your back pocket, what’s the difference? Keeping up with your shopping list doesn’t need to be stressful thanks to Smart Lists. This year, gift yourself peace of mind!

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