Fuck it, we’re launching the worlds most basic MVP on medium.

Start Up Cards
The Launchism
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2015


get it here

Start Up Cards Beta. these are action cards. Use them to see if the team knows the idea well enough

It’s all Ali Mese’s fault

Once I read the stellar medium post Why I just fucking did it by @alimese the decision was out of my hands. I had to do it. There’s been one too many ideas hidden in the ‘must do’ notebook. One too many URLs bought excitedly and never used. Its time for action, time to get this goddamn idea out and see, actually, if it’s got any legs.

Go on, pitch it then

It’s called Start Up Cards and is a simple way to get clarity on your skunkworks, internal project, pure startup or product feature, and it’s a bit irreverent.

How do you play it?

Get two or more people. One takes Start Up questions One has answers. If the person can’t answer the question (sample: Explain your idea to your mum) that card goes into the talking crap, meh, or pivot pile. If you ace, it goes into the hell yeah! pile. Boom. Start up knowledge nirvana.

There are lots of ways to get the the nub of an idea like MoSCoW, Business Model Canvas, and older methodologies like Sigma which are all pretty useful, but one thing they ain’t is any fun.

Seems to me there is a better way to get clear on what you know and what you don’t about your latest world dominating idea, so why not a simple game to help define it.

Queston cards. If you can’t succinctly answer you’ll get called on it

What state is it in right now?

Its a PDF. The worlds most basic MVP

We’re launching on Medium, the idea is to validate the idea for nought pennies

Why medium?

It’s an easy platform to write on, has a switched-on audience who interact regularly and we’ll hopefully get some feedback on whether it’s good, bad or ugly.

What the hell do you want from me?

Well, any feedback would be ace. An early bird spot on the forthcoming Start Up Cards Kickstarter campaign is guaranteed.

Where you at?

Give us a shout on startupcards@gmail.com or over at @startup_cards for any questions, thoughts, comments or angry letters. Our current home is startupcards.strikingly.com (Write out ‘I Must not pay for URLs before validation’ 100 times it helps a lot)

Get the download here. Feedback much appreciated!

Anything else I should know?

Yes. Ireland is the wettest country in the world. Not necessarily a fact, but true nonetheless.



Start Up Cards
The Launchism

Start Up Cards simplify business ideas. for Startups Intrapreneurs, Entrepreneurs and anyone who ever dreamed big. Free download: http://bit.ly/startupcards